Tag Archives: prepper book review

Book Review: 52 Prepper Projects By David Nash

19 Apr

If you watch David Nash on Youtube, you know he’s a smart man with a ton of prepping experience. His new book 52 Prepper Projects: A Project a Week to Help You Prepare for the Unpredictable has a great assortment of do-it-yourself projects to learn self sufficiency. The book has great photos to demonstrate each project. Each project is clearly explained.

Think of the book as a smorgasbord. Pick and choose the projects you want. As David says at the end of the book, it’s not about the specific projects, it’s about learning to become self sufficient. It’s about the journey.

Over the years, I’ve done some of these projects in various forms with varying degrees of success and can say those work. I’m familiar with the concept behind others. Even with over 30 years of prepping experience, there are many projects that are new to me.

A few of the projects I’ve done, but didn’t really like. Pemmican, icky, yucky, poo. I know it was the staple of the American Indian and Frontiersman, and I’d certainly make and eat it to survive in the wild if need be, as it’s a crucial way to preserve fat. Might I recommend his project of making Sourdough Bread instead? If you want to go all Bradford Angier, you can bake bread on a stick.

Quite frankly, some of the projects scare the crap out of me. I don’t feel qualified to make and use Sugardine Antiseptic Solution. What the sugar would be up to would worry me. Cheese has always scared me too. Given this, I must quote David, “Traditionally cheese making was a way to store milk. It is much simpler than I expected, and was the project that broke the confidence barrier. Once I made my own cheese and said, “I can do this,” I was much more willing to try more complex projects.”

The projects are all something a suburban prepper can do. Most projects can be done by an urban prepper. I’ve wondered about Bees myself in the city. Would that be a no-go? What if they stung a neighbor?

To give you a flavor of the projects:

– Making A Ceramic Drip Water Filter
– Making A Movable Chicken Coop
– Food Dehydration
– Storing Food with Mylar Bags
– Making Dakin’s Antiseptic Solution (Sounds less scary than Sugar!)
– Wheat Grinding (by hand)
– Making a Raised Bed Garden
– Wheat Berry Blender Pancakes
– Sprouting Wheat and Beans
– Making A Top Bar Beehive
– Pool Shock For Water Purification
– Bean Flour
– Homemade Jerky
– Making Sourdough Bread
– Making a Knife from an Old File

One of the projects isn’t super prepper practical, making a high pressure steam to weedeater engine conversion system, but it’s way cool and a neat learning experience. David warns us not to blow ourselves up. I’ll need to confront the cheese before tackling that one.

52 Prepper Projects: A Project a Week to Help You Prepare for the Unpredictable gets my highest recommendation. Buy it. Add it to your prepper library.

Charlie Palmer -author The Prepper Next Door

Prepper Book Review: Handbook to Practical Disaster Preparedness for the Family By Arthur T. Bradley

11 Oct

If you’re looking for a good book for new preppers, I recommend Handbook to Practical Disaster Preparedness for the Family by Arthur T. Bradley. Bradley give common sense advice that’s too easy to forget. His cardinal rule: “The cardinal rule to surviving a disaster is, whenever possible, to get out of its way!” This simple rule can save many lives, but many of us want to stay put, even when we shouldn’t.

Some advanced preppers will find the book a bit basic, but it gives solid advice about:

1) Storing food
2) Storing and purifying water
3) Improving your existing home for disasters
4) Providing electrical power with a generator and battery storage system
5) Options to heat your home if your main heat is out
6) First aid
7) Financial preparedness

Bradley has a chapter about surviving an unlikely EMP attack or solar storm, if that topic concerns you. This is a book mainly about stocking up a few key supplies and being prepared to weather a short term disaster. Bradley writes, “Unless civilization breaks down, you don’t have to be self-sufficient [in the homesteader sense] to be prepared.”

Three things I really like about this book:
1) It covers all the basics without any important omissions.
2) It’s well illustrated and well organized.
3) It approaches the topic from a realistic perspective.

There’s nothing I really dislike about the book.